Vote for lane cover

Peter Siegman looks up where the gabled cover could go over the laneway along Kilvington Drive.


SLIPPERY when wet.
Emerald’s Peter Siegman says the laneway connecting IGA to the shopping precinct is in desperate need for a roof to keep shoppers dry when it’s raining as well as keeping the slippery bricks dry.
The lane, off Kilvington Drive, between the bakery and the clothing store, is the only part of the Emerald Village Shopping Centre that is not covered.
Mr Seigman is one of three members of the Emerald Village Complex Maintenance Committee.
And while the new walkway cover would not incur any extra costs to the township or shopkeepers, he wants to know if it’s what the people of Emerald want.
“It’s a mad rush down the lane when it’s raining,” Mr Siegman said.
“What we want to do is put a veranda from the footpath to the laneway to the IGA.
“It was actually a resident’s idea and we’ve taken it on from there.”
Mr Siegman said all costs would be covered by money already available to the body corporate after the complex was revamped three years ago.
He said the cover would not only help keep shoppers dry, but would mean that the bricks don’t get slippery thus removing any safety issues.
The committe’s annual general meeting will be held on Thursday 15 August and a decision on the plastic clear cover will be made then.
But before that Mr Siegman would like locals who are in favour of the cover to sign a survey which can be found at most shops in town.
“We’ve got the money, but we don’t want to spend something like $20,000 if no one wants it.”