Space for praise


THE community of Olinda will soon have a completed Olinda Reserve Community Facility.
Last Friday, Eastern Victoria Region MP Edward O’Donohue joined Liberal candidate for Monbulk Mark Verschuur and Hilltop Recreation Association president Stephen Scott in Olinda to inspect the progress of the project.
Mr O’Donohue said it was very exciting for the community that the project is nearing completion and is thrilled that this is a product of the government, council and the community coming together to achieve a great outcome for the local area.
“The Hilltop Recreation Association and the community advocated and fundraised tirelessly for this significant project,” he said.
“It is fantastic to see that vision becoming reality.”
The Olinda Reserve Community Facility will include change room facilities, a gymnasium and multi-purpose community space.
Mr Scott said it has taken a lot of hard work and planning over seven years to get to this stage.
“Everyone is really excited, we had a really old structure there and it was really time to move on,” he said.
“In saying that, the guys who built the original structure did a really good job but it’s just time to move on and this will be a really great facility.”
Mr Scott said it is important to understand that this facility will not just be a sporting facility but it will be a multi-use space for the entire community and works were progressing and the project was on track to be completed by October.
Mr Verschuur said the Hilltop project will benefit local families, schools, groups and sporting clubs.
“I commend the Hilltop Recreation Association for working so hard for the community,” he said.
The project is jointly funded by the Yarra Ranges Shire Council, which committed $1 million, and the Victorian Coalition Government, which provided a total of $350,000 to the project.
Hilltop also received a grant from the Dandenong Ranges Community Bank Group from $250,000 and raised $100,000 through its user groups.