By Liz Millman
The Hills Creative Alliance has been joined by other local groups and members of the community to put on a free art exhibition in the Karwarra Gardens building, called ‘Reflections of the Storm.’
The exhibition is open from Friday 17 June on Fridays on Saturdays and Sundays from 1:00pm to 4:00pm during the gardens’ opening hours while the building is also currently being used by the Yarra Ranges Recovery Support Team.
“It’s so important for the community to have ongoing opportunities to get together and support ourselves, getting rebuilds and repairs done is an ongoing nightmare for many people and many feel that the recovery is as painful as the initial shock of waking to discover the shock from the storm damage,” Hills Creative Alliance secretary Liz Millman said.
The Rescue Logs team is sharing artwork done by the children at Mount Dandenong Primary School, which was used to illustrate the book called ’The Story of the Big Storm’.
They will be showcasing ideas for an exciting project being planned to create artwork using the incredible root balls of giant gum trees felled by the wind.
“We will be delighted to hear from others who have creative art that they might like to share, or stories and poems that we can post on the website that will accompany the exhibition and we also have ideas to create a book to remember the storm, the tremendous efforts that those who helped us have made, and the way that the communities have come together to support ourselves,” Liz said.
Silvan based ‘Recycled Roots and Leaves’ plant rescue nursery has provided native trees and plants the bring an interesting dynamic into the gallery.
Members of the Kalorama Collective have been supporting getting the display together and all the groups will be helping to ensure that there are volunteers to welcome visitors and be available to chat and reflect.
Children will also have a chance to draw and colour to create yet more exhibits to display.
This comes after community groups in the Hills townships have come together after the June storm event to support one another, including those still in temporary rentals or storm damaged properties.
Supported by Olinda Community House, the Hills Creative Alliance have held ‘Community Focus Friday’ sessions which have brought people together who want to explore ways the community can help one another.
The sessions, running from 10:30am to 12:00pm, recently welcomed Michelle Dunscombe who shared her ‘ABCD’ approach to community action which developed after the Kinglake Back Saturday bushfires.
Developing ways to prepare for other challenges that may hit the Hills communities is also on the group’s agenda, with psychologist David Younger sharing ways to help friends and neighbours during difficult times and in the recovery period on Friday 8 July, after this session was postponed on 17 June.
On Friday 24 June, Yarra Ranges Community Recovery Coordinator Linda Snell will be providing an update on the work that has been going on and the plans for the next steps in the Yarra Ranges Council plans for recovery for the Hills communities.
Bernard Smalberger from Parks Victoria will also be sharing insights into the recovery of the National Park.
“These sessions also provide opportunities for the community to meet and thank the people who have been helping us,” Liz said.
For more information, contact Liz Millman at lizmillman@yahoo.co.uk.