By Tyler Wright
A Tecoma-based father-of-two has released his first book; a fictional tale of two teenage siblings who find themselves on a magical trail of adventure.
Peter Lewis’ Secret of the Lost Souls follows 13 and 12-year-old Isla and Jack Claremont who come across potion masters, headless horsemen and ghosts while discovering the story of a family curse.
The Secret of the Lost Souls is the first instalment in the three-part series Children of the Magic Realm, inspired by times when Lewis’ family of four would sit down and create imaginative stories instead of reading a book.
“I would start telling a story and then we would go around in the circle and my wife and the kids would take it in turns to add to the story, and it was an opportunity for us to all use our imaginations,” Lewis said.
“That’s what planted the egg in the first place with this story, [it] actually turned an idea that I had which included my two children as the two main characters, into a fun mystery, fantasy fiction story.”
Lewis’ idea then snowballed after he received help from professional editors and an illustrator to bring his story to life – a process which would take around six years.
“[In] the first four-year period, it was still a hobby and a bit of fun in writing the book, and then it wasn’t until the last two-year period that I decided, ‘well, I could actually do a lot more with this and take it to a published level,'” he said.
In October 2022, Lewis’ self-published novel was released, but it wasn’t until Friday 13 January that the book hit retail shelves.
“It’s actually quite apt that it was released on Friday the 13th because of the type of book that it is…there’s superstitious and scary elements to the book that relate to some interesting characters,” he said.
Although drawn from Lewis’ children – now aged 17 and 19 years old – the attributes of the two main characters, including their names, were changed throughout the editing process.
“[My children] been really supportive and any mention of the book and any steps forward that I’ve been able to take with the book… they really love the idea that the characters were based off them, but they’re relieved in a way that the characters aren’t totally them,” he said.
Lewis is currently working on the second book in the series called the Children of the Magic Realm, which is expected to hit bookstores before Christmas in 2023.
The third book in the series is expected to be published at the end of 2024, but may possibly be pushed into 2025.
One of the most enjoyable experiences working on the series Lewis said, has been the cover design; which reflects Enid Blyton-style illustrations with a modern edge.
“The front cover of the book itself is representing one world in the book, and then the back cover of the book represents the other world within the book,” he said.
“The spine itself has a little character on it who is the link between both worlds, and it’s not until you read the book… and you have a look at the front and back covers, you wouldn’t know that detail.
“I really love that concept the illustrator and I worked with to have that happen.”
Belgrave Book Barn is the first retailer to support Lewis, with The Secret of the Lost Souls now on hand for eager readers to purchase online and in store.
“The feedback has been really positive and really encouraging to the point where people are actually researching some aspects of the book… to fact check but to also have them understand totally what’s happened in the book,” he said.
“I find that really rewarding that they’ve been engaged enough to do that.”
To find a copy of The Secret of the Lost Souls, visit Belgrave Book Barn’s website or purchase the book on Kindle through Amazon KDP.