The Board of Yarra Ranges Tourism invites you to attend our annual tourism summit to hear about all things that will impact your businesses in the year ahead. Our last summit was back in 2019 – thanks Covid – so it will be terrific to see you in person once again. The goal of this forum is to get our industry back together and think about the key issues and opportunities we all need to consider to create success in our tourism businesses for the year ahead. The day is in two sessions, morning and afternoon, with a networking lunch and trade showcase in between. For our colleagues who can’t afford a Tuesday out of your business, please come along to be part of what you can – we’d love to see you at any stage of the day.
Morning Workshop, 10am-11.30am:
How to write a meaningful Acknowledgement of Country – Ashleigh Bartley, Specialist, Aboriginal Tourism, Visit Victoria.
In this 90 minute workshop, Ashley will cover:
* The history and importance of Welcome and Acknowledgement
* How to be authentic in your acknowledgement and how to find who to Acknowledge
* Activity: Working on your acknowledgement for your business
* Cultural Protocols for developing relationships and engaging with Aboriginal Organisations
Networking Lunch and Trade Partners Showcase, 12pm-1pm:
* Meet our partners who offer trades and services to our Tourism Industry
Afternoon Presentations from 1pm-5pm
* Keynote speaker is Susannah George, Founder and CEO, The Urban List.
* Susannah will present on the findings of “Wanderlust or Wanderbust?” travel marketing research and how they relate to small businesses in the tourism industry. (Our marketing team found this research very insightful and you may too).
* Georgina Banks and Sam Crock, Changeable Consulting on the establishment of the Yarra Valley & Dandenong Ranges Tourism Enterprise Scholarship Program – and the importance of engaging your workforce through mentoring and leadership.
* Charles Deuchrass, Group Manager Marketing & Programs, Visit Victoria will present on Visit Victoria’s current and upcoming marketing campaigns.
* The Hosking Sisters, Jess and Sarah Hosking, Richmond AFL players who are also two of our influencer ambassadors who will be speaking about their work and experience of visiting and working in the region
* Yarra Ranges Tourism, CEO Simon will report on marketing and advocacy activities – the year in review and the year ahead.
Date: Tuesday 7 June 2022
Time: 10am-5pm
Cultural Capability Session, 10-11.30am
Trade Show and Networking Lunch, 11.45am-1pm
Summit Presentations, 1:00-5:00pm (includes afternoon tea)
Post Summit Drinks, 5pm-6pm
Location: Yarra Valley Lodge, 2 Heritage Drive, Chirnside Park 3116
More information: independentcollection.com.au/accommodation/melbourne-vic/yarra-valley-lodge
Tickets: $25 YRT Partners / $45 Non Partners
Bookings can be made directly through TryBooking at trybooking.com/events/landing?.