Get feet ready for spring racing

Podiatrists at Pride Plus Health Laura Ward. 226408_06 PICTURE: STEWART CHAMBERS

After a wet winter we’re looking forward to getting back outdoors and enjoying time on our feet however, for many of us it hasn’t been smooth sailing returning to outdoor activities.

Here’s Tanya Contis and Laura Ward, two podiatrists working in Emerald and Monbulk with more on the issue.

“Keeping your feet happy is so important. When mine aren’t happy I’m not able to do my boot camp class or walk the dogs as far,” podiatrist Tanya Contis from PridePlus Health said.

“We’ve found that plenty of locals up here in the Hills are struggling with sore feet now they’re moving about again,” Laura Ward said.

And it’s no surprise to hear that unhappy feet mean more trips to the local podiatrists at PridePlus Health in Emerald and Monbulk.

“We’re swamped with sore feet right now, we have a waiting list for appointments that extends into December,” Tanya said.

“Sore heels, sore arches, sore corns too. All because we’ve been disrupted with our activities over the winter.”

The team at PridePlus Health have been busy helping as many people as they can get their happy feet back.

“When your feet are happy you walk more, your stress levels improve and just feel better about yourself,” Tanya said.

“We’re hoping to continue to fulfil our purpose, to improve the lives of those we touch and help people feel better”.

The podiatrists have put together a list of six things you can do to find your happy feet and be ready for more outdoor activities this spring.

The first sounds simple but can make a huge difference.

“You wouldn’t believe how much of an impact improving your foot care routine at home will help you feel better when you’re out and about in your heels or thongs,” Laura said.

● Wash your feet: Use a soap free wash and actively wash in and around your toes.

● Dry between your toes: Mum was right, get a towel in between your toes after every wash.

● Moisturise: If your feet are dry you’re risking pain and infection. Use an appropriate (non-sorbolene) moisturiser on your heels and feet.

● Take care of your toenails: Too short and you risk ingrowns (ouch). Too long and you risk scratching your legs and putting holes in your socks.

● Wear the right shoes for the right activities: Replace them too. If your shoes have wearing tread it’s probably past time to get a new pair. You can usually recycle or upcycle shoes at most quality shoe shops too.

● Listen to foot pain: Sore feet is your body telling you to act. Do something different. If you know what to do like change shoes, change your activities then do it. If you’re not sure, pop in to your podiatrist.

We’ll be following the advice of the podiatrists above to ensure our feet are happy over the spring.