Healer’s peace role

By Paul Pickering
ECCENTRIC Belgrave icon Des Burgen has been hailed as an Ambassador of Peace by the New York-based Universal Peace Federation (UPF).
The lifelong peace activist and healer was one of 25 people to receive the recognition at the UPF’s Seventh World Tour dinner at The Arts Centre in Southbank on Friday 31 August.
Mr Burgen, who was nominated for the title by Belgrave South residents Ian and Jacinta Darbishire, described it as “a terrific honour”, saying he was surprised to be approached by people from around the world who had heard of him.
Mr Darbishire, the Victorian director of the Universal Peace Federation, said Mr Burgen exemplified the UPF’s guiding ideal of living for others.
“We see he’s doing something for the community,” Mr Darbishire said. “I think he has a spiritual vision, he’s a person who tries to live and practice with the community and spans out as an individual who’s practising what he believes.”
Mr Burgen is a well-known figure in the Belgrave township, cutting a resplendent figure in his array of colourful robes and jewellery.
As Mr Darbishire suggested, Mr Burgen’s repport with his local community made him a likely candidate for the ambassadorial role of spreading the word of peace.
“When (Mr Burgen) comes to a gathering of religious groups, he brings another level and colour,” he said.
“He can help other individuals by attending and encouraging others to take a chance.”
The chosen ambassadors work together and support each other in their own communities.