A MONTROSE mother has praised the Angliss Hospital on its new midwifery service which will allow women to have one midwife through the duration of their pregnancy.
The hospital’s previous model, the Family Birth Centre, meant women who went in could deal with any midwife from the team, depending on who had the shift at the time.
Midwife Sharon Taylor said the Midwifery Group Practice was a very exciting change for midwives and mothers.
“The woman will be allocated one specific midwife who is on call for them when they go into labour and have their baby,” she said.
“We also follow them up after the birth, and we do some home visits until we’re happy baby and mum are doing well.
“It’s a great opportunity, there’s nothing lovelier than looking after a woman you’ve already met and know their history.”
Rebecca Gardiner, who is due to give birth to her third child in the coming weeks, said it would provide a very consistent service and better communication for mothers-to-be.
“You have a midwife who understands what you want and the experience you’re aiming for in birth,” she said.
“While you don’t always get what you want, at least you know you can be on the same page as to whether you’re aiming for drug free, whether you want an epidural as soon as you get in, things like that.”
Ms Gardiner used the Family Birth Centre for her previous births, but she said the experience wasn’t as personal.
“With my second, the midwife I ended up having for the birth I actually hadn’t seen throughout the whole pregnancy,” she said.
“I saw her during my first pregnancy and she was a lovely, beautiful midwife, but we never had that connection.
“I’m really happy with the new structure, I think it’s a great move.”