Diversity in relief

Owner Michael Hester with Artist, Aldo Bellemo and the painting of Friends on the Hill. 99023 Picture: DONNA OATES


A PAINTER with a passion for scenery and diversity is showcasing his works in a Monbulk café until the end of the month.
Aldo Bellemo, a 72-year-old The Patch resident, has been painting regularly since he retired in 2005 and is now exhibiting his works at Monbulk’s Friends on the Hill Café.
Mr Bellemo said he liked the café so much that he did a painting of the interior, featuring the owner, Michael Hester.
The painting is featured as part of his exhibition, which focuses on diversity and multiculturalism.
His exhibition, England v Italy and Australia is the Winner, focuses on Mr Bellemo hailing from Italy, Mr Hester, from England and Australia being a highly multicultural society.
“In Australia, we come from all over the world,” he said.
“The diversity is spectacular and everyone gets a benefit out of it – I really believe that.”
Mr Bellemo, who has worked as an architect and taught architectural design at Box Hill Institute, said he tried to paint every week and his next project was a series of paintings of Sassafras Creek.
“I hope to have a solo exhibition in a few months’ time, with 15 to 20 paintings,” he said.
“I picked a dozen or so spots along the creek, and I go there and paint on-site.
“The nature really fascinates me – it’s so wild and so raw.”
Aldo Bellemo’s paintings will be on display at Friends on the Hill Café in Monbulk until the end of May.
For more information, call 9752 0022 or visit the café at 104 Main Road, Monbulk.