BREAST Cancer is one of the most common occurring cancers that affect women.
According to Breast Cancer Network Australia, this year alone 14,940 women will be diagnosed with the cancer.
In 2007, Emerald resident Anne Bowker was 56 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.
“For me personally, when I was told I had breast cancer I thought there was someone else in the room,” she said.
“I thought ‘oh he’s not talking to me’ – I just never in my life expected that it would happen to me.”
At aged 55, Mrs Bowker said she decided it was time to retire from her job at the bank and enjoy a healthy, happy life with her family and new grandchildren.
“I’d just started enjoying my two eldest grandchildren and I thought I was retiring to be a fit and healthy grandma, but I guess this little hiccup was in store,” she said.
“Having them gave me more motivation to keep going and two weeks before my first operation, my third granddaughter was born, so I really had to keep going.”
Mrs Bowker said the support of her friends and family was extraordinary, however she found at times it still was a very isolating experience.
After being diagnosed, Mrs Bowker was put in touch with the Breast Cancer Support Group at the Angliss hospital and has been a member since.
“I’ve been very luck with all the support not just from a medical perspective, but with the group,” Mrs Bowker said.
“The hardest part was losing my hair, and with the group if I needed a safe place to talk or needed someone to call, there was someone always there.
“There are ladies out there who are suffering and don’t know there is a place very close to home that they can come along too and be supported.”
Mrs Bowlker said that with a positive attitude and the help and support from the group alongside her family’s support it was really what got her through and was happy to have now been given the all-clear.
The Breast Cancer Support Group at the Angliss Hospital has been running for 16 years now, and is currently open for new members.
The group meets on the third Wednesday of every month from 11am to 1pm.
For more information or to join the group, email cis@cancervic.org.au or call 13 11 20.