THE staff and students at Emerald Primary School did not let mother nature rain on their parade.
Earlier this month, the school hosted its annual school fair attracting a crowd of about 2000 people raising one of the biggest totals ever for the annual fundraiser despite the rain taking precedence.
Emerald Primary School Fundraiser Committee co-ordinator Mandy Seeger said after expenses nearly $18,000 was raised which will go directly back into the school.
“As well as to minimise our curriculum charges and provide improvements to school facilities, the planned target for this year’s proceeds is the refurbishment of our Parent Centre allowing for more cooking classes and the development of our vegetable gardens,” she said.
“After a very wet start everyone’s spirits remained high and a fantastic day was had by all, despite getting a little wet.”
The school hosted rides and show bags for local children as well as a variety of market stalls and school run stalls such as a live auction stall, plant stall and white elephant stall.
Mrs Seeger said the live auction was the highlight of the event with more than 70 items on auction ranging from dinner vouchers, to toys and football memorabilia.
She said every auction winner was thrilled with their bargains.
“The best part was that all auction items were donated so it provided a huge chunk of our profit for the day,” she said.
Mrs Seeger thanked the families and businesses who donated items for the auction as well as the people who donated their time to help in preparation, manning of stalls and all the other jobs that go with running a fair.
“With so many things to think about and organise in the lead up to the fair, the process was made all the more easier with the help of a great group of dedicated and enthusiastic parents that made up our fair committee.”