Fire danger still there


FIRE restrictions may have been lifted yesterday (Monday) however Mount Evelyn CFA Captain Jim Armstrong said residents still need to be cautious.
The CFA lifted the Declared Fire Danger Period at 1am on Monday 7 April to ease restrictions on residents burning off in the open.
Mr Armstrong said now that the restrictions have been lifted, residents need to comply with Yarra Ranges Council burn off regulations.
“This is often the time when a lot of burn offs do get out of control,” he said.
“Even after a few wetter days the ground is still quite dry, particularly in Mount Evelyn.
“I know even in my own backyard it is still really dry underneath so I’d be really cautious about doing anything.”
Mr Armstrong said for those residents eager to burn off, cooler days with little to no wind are ideal.
“Even on the cooler days, just having that little bit of wind is usually when we see fire spread to nearby trees,” he said.
“Lots of people have piles ready to go, we know that, so it is just a matter now of picking the right day to do it – no-wind days are ideal.”
Mr Armstrong said Mount Evelyn resident have been lucky this fire season because there have been no grass or shrub fires.
“When people do follow the rules it means there is less chance of fire and much less threat to the communities,” he said.
Mayor Fiona McAllister warned against becoming complacent despite the end of the fire danger season.
“Although the official danger period is over, we have had very little rain and so it is still important to maintain your property in a fire safe condition and to practice safe burning off,” she said.
“Residents also need to be aware of burning off restrictions.”
Fire restrictions vary between areas around the shire however fires should not be lit on Sundays, on smog alert days, total fire ban days, during the declared fire danger period without a permit and there should be no burning off at all in urban areas.
For more information on restrictions that apply to each area visit