Too close for comfort


A MOUNT Evelyn resident wants the Education Department to see things from her side of the fence.
Four months down the track, resident Annette Belyus says she still has no answers.
The Mail reported Ms Belyus’ fight with the education department in April, over two portables backing her property’s fence line.
Ms Belyus claimed the portables would devalue her home, saying it was an invasion of privacy.
Since voicing her concerns on Facebook, she was accused of having an issue with the disabled children.
She disagreed and said it’s about her privacy, not the students.
Victorian Education Department spokesperson Simon Craig said Ms Belyus fence line was chosen due to sound planning principles and easier access to other school facilities.
Mr Craig said the department will explore options such as additional planning on the shared fence line or provision of a barrier.
Branches along the fence line have now been cleared and the portables painted a shade of green – but Ms Belyus says she has seen no signs of the promised screening or replanting of trees to protect her privacy.
“What happens when the trees around my property need to be pruned? The portables are going to be in full view once again,” Ms Belyus said.
“This is a serious issue and I’m not just doing this for the fun of it.”
Despite sending a number of emails complaining about her predicament, Ms Belyus says the few responses she gets state that there are plans to fix the situation, but nothing seems to happen.
Calls made to Mount Evelyn Special Development School principal Helen Johnston were not returned and questions asked of Victorian Education Department spokesperson Simon Craig were not answered by deadline.