Pair ride to a win


WITH unerring accuracy and timing, the weather gods smiled on Emerald Golf Club last Saturday when only the hardy turned up for an ambrose event.
The prevailing conditions must have suited Ben Balfour and Dennis Fuller when they rode their combined handicap of 8.25 home for a win with a net 65.75.
Leigh Morison and Peter Jones (9.5) came in second on a count back from Peter Clowes and Con Whitlock (8.5) – both these teams finished with 67.5.
Ross Martin and Steve Town (6.25) were the best of the rest with 69.75.
Peter Jones won the Stockdale and Leggo ball on the fourth, Ross Martin the seventh, Dennis Fuller the 13th and John Fisher, who has hit a rich vein of form, won on the 12th and also picked up the pro pin cash on the 18th.
A clear and decisive winner in the ladies’ event was the indomitable pair of Irene Scott and Brianna McCoy.
Wednesday’s Obliquely Fractured Golf (OFG), using OFG handicaps, saw Bobby Kennedy (15) win for the second week in a row.
He came in with a net 66 to win from Sepp Krummenacher (20) and Ian Scott (240) both on 67.
Two back in next place were Neil Whiteside (28) and Dennis Fuller (14) on 69.
One game of the club’s match play championship was played with Peter Clowes overcoming Leigh Morison on the 18th hole.
Next Saturday members challenge for the right to have the July monthly medal pinned to their chest.