Be aware of drink dangers

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A DOCTOR involved in the research of alcohol-related chronic diseases is urging heavy drinkers to be aware of the long-term risks.
Turning Point researcher Dr Belinda Lloyd said it was everyone’s responsibility to establish a culture that discouraged “risky drinking” and prevented alcohol-related harm.
A new Turning Point and VicHealth study suggested men and the middle-aged were among the most likely to suffer from wholly alcohol-caused chronic diseases (WACD).
The inequities in alcohol-related chronic disease in Victoria report found men accounted for seven out of 10 WACD hospital patients and deaths in Victoria.
“While our research indicates certain demographics may be more represented than others, it is important everyone realises alcohol-related issues affect all of us – either as individuals or through friends and family,” Dr Lloyd said.
“It is a drug that doesn’t discriminate.”
Chronic diseases can include cardiovascular, digestive and neurological conditions, as well as a range of cancers.
People with WACD have a hospitalisation median age range from 47 to 49 years and a median age of death range from 58 to 62 years.
The research examined a range of factors that influence alcohol consumption and vulnerability to alcohol-related harms in Victoria, including age, gender, residential location and social disadvantage.
It found regional Victorians were at greater risk of hospitalisation and death from alcohol than those in metropolitan areas.
The report also revealed people from socio-economically disadvantaged groups were significantly more likely to experience hospitalisation and death due to alcohol-related chronic disease.
Dr Lloyd said regulating the price and availability of alcohol were two ways to change drinking behaviour.