Health funds flow


A $1 MILLION funding announcement for Belgrave’s Multipurpose Hub was announced on Friday.
Eastern Victorian Region MPs Edward O’Donohue and Andrew Ronalds were joined by Monbulk candidate Mark Verschuur as they welcomed Minister for Planning Matthew Guy’s funding from the
Community Infrastructure Fund towards the $10,479,630 Belgrave Multipurpose Health Hub.
“The Belgrave Multipurpose Health Hub is one of the latest projects to share in a $9.3 million funding boost for Melbourne’s fastest-growing areas,” Mr O’Donohue said.
Tania Bevan, manager of Dandenong Ranges Emergency Relief Services which is a potential user of the facility, said the hub would bring a range of council, community health and not for profit services together under the one roof.
“The hub will make it easier for the public to access these services and for us to work together to make the community healthier and stronger,” Ms Baxter said.
Yarra Ranges deputy mayor Maria McCarthy also welcomed the funding.
“I am thrilled that the Belgrave Multipurpose Health Hub has received this funding support. This is such an important investment in the health of the community,” Cr McCarthy said.
Minister Guy said the new health hub would help meet the demand for health services across the growing communities of Cardinia, Casey and Knox making it a priority for the Community Infrastructure Fund, an initiative of the Victorian Government’s long-term planning strategy, Plan Melbourne.
“Communities in the Belgrave Multipurpose Health Hub’s catchment area are expected to increase by 22 per cent over the next 12 years,” Mr Guy said.
“It is vital that we continue to invest in growing communities to make sure residents can easily access important local services and facilities.”
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