Hectic fire season ahead

Small fires can escape on warm, windy days. Always choose calm conditions for fuel reduction burning


LOW rainfall and predicted hotter-than-average temperatures over the coming months means a busier bushfire season for local firefighters.
Recent warm and windy days have already caused concern for Monbulk CFA crews who have attended a few out-of-control open air burns.
Monbulk Fire Brigade member Mike Rosenfield said that those fires were a timely reminder of how quickly a relatively controllable situation could escalate on days of higher temperatures and wind.
“It really shows how soon the active fire season will be upon us,” Mr Rosenfield said.
Depending on council zoning of properties, residents may be allowed to open air burn for fuel reduction in the Yarra Ranges.
But Mr Rosenfield said residents should call or visit the shire’s website for up- -to-date information.
“Residents must also be aware that the CFA declares the Fire Danger Period to each municipality and no open air burning is allowed without a permit issued by the CFA during this time,” he said.
Fires are not the only occurrences that the members of Monbulk CFA attend.
As one of a few CFA ropes rescue units, members have been called to attend several incidents including fires, car accidents and mountain rescues.
“With the fire season approaching, there’s no better time to plan ahead by clearing fire hazards within properties with diligence, car and consideration for local CFA crews who are regularly called to attend uncontrolled open air burns.
For more detailed information on the regulations for open air burning on your property, visit the Yarra Ranges website at: http://www.yarraranges.vic.gov.au, call the shire on 1300 368 333 or drop in to one of the Yarra Ranges municipal offices. Information on registering burns can be made through the CFA at: http://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/plan-prepare/burning-off/, or by calling ESTA on 1800 668 511. For information on fire warnings and other relevant fire information, visit the CFA website at: http://www.cfa.vic.gov.au/. For all fire emergencies, call 000.

Residents are not permitted to open air burn in urban areas however, in rural and residential bushland zones, residents must follow the local legal requirements of:
· No open air burning for fuel-reduction purposes on Sundays
· No open air burning when the wind speed is more than 15km/hour
· Supervising fires at all times
· Having adequate water close by and
· Keeping fires to 1 cubic metre in size on smaller properties