Making the link

EAST-West link is years overdue and it’s not just because of the fact that Melbourne is gridlocked every time something goes wrong on the Westgate Bridge.
As well as the larger trucks, small to medium businesses who have to move produce, products or parcels from one side of Melbourne to the other, pay for being stuck in traffic every day.
Peak hour traffic now begins as early as 6am and doesn’t finish until around 10am. There are also lots of commuters who have to work across town who suffer as well from these delays.
Speak to any tradie or anyone else who has to travel to the north or west of Melbourne or from those suburbs to the east for work, and you’ll find out how much extra time they lose each day that could be spent with their families.
No matter how much you increase public transport, those tradies will never be able to take their tools to work by train, tram or bus. Hopefully, as Melbourne and Victoria’s economy grows, there’ll be more work for these people but that will create an even greater need for the East West Link. Build it now.
Peter Bree,