Your say on sewerage


MONBULK residents have just over a week to have their say on the town’s sewerage options, with Yarra Valley Water (YVW) extending its consultation and planning its next moves.
Earlier this month, YVW set up a website to host consultation about the Monbulk Sewerage Project – a project to improve sewerage options for properties on septic tanks in the area.
The website, which will have discussion open until 30 January, contains reports on small group consultations between YVW and community members late last year.
Monbulk Sewerage Project Manager Jo Cooper told the Mail there had been a slow response to the website consultation, but urged people in the town to get involved and have their say.
“We’re really wanting to promote the forum and … invite the Monbulk community to make a comment or ask any questions,” she said.
Currently 31 people have signed up to the consultation website.
Ms Cooper said the project, which is expected to finish in mid-2018, was in its planning stages, with numerous options on the table for the town.
Currently, half of Monbulk’s Main Street has access to a reticulated sewerage system, while the other has use of septic tanks.
Septic tanks that are not maintained or inappropriate for a property can pose severe pollution and environmental risks, with wastewater sometimes leaking and entering rivers and waterways.
YVW’s Sewerage Backlog Program aims to address this risk by replacing septic systems where needed with reticulated systems or alternative measures.
Ms Cooper said the next phase of community consultations would begin in April, and that a display at the Monbulk Living and Learning Centre with more information would follow.
To take part in the consultation, visit
For more information, contact Yarra Valley Water on 9872 2635, visit or email