Con-men do their rounds


TRAVELLING con-men have been targeting the Emerald and Macclesfield regions in recent weeks, with police receiving numerous calls from distressed residents.
The con-men have been observed travelling in vehicles and on-foot.
Traditionally, con-men use bullying tactics to pressure householders into handing over thousands of dollars for substandard or incomplete roofing, painting, cleaning and repair jobs.
According to Sergeant Fiona Tolime, from Emerald police, there have been confirmed reports of their targets paying for unwanted services.
“They have been approaching many people in the Emerald, Avonsleigh and Macclesfield areas,” Sgt Tolime said.
“But they seem to particularly target the more vulnerable people in the society, such as the elderly.
“The targets often don’t want the work and feel ashamed once the work has been completed.”
Sgt Tolime cited one example where the con-man had secured work paving a driveway.
Upon completing half the job, he demanded extra payment to complete the job.
That payment was greatly in excess of the first half.
The con-man then requested a cash payment, before accompanying the target to the bank where they withdrew money.
Sgt Tolmie said many were left traumatised by their ordeal and the heavy-handed tactics.
According to the Victoria Government, in the past six months there have been 250 reports of con-men, who, in December last year, collected $300,000 from the elderly, stay-at-home mums and the disabled.
One common tactic is demanding cash up-front, leaving householders out of pocket when the con-man does a runner.
Another tactic is the ‘only available today’ offer.
If anyone has information or concerns about travelling con-men, Sgt Tolmie said they could contact Emerald police on 5954 0200.
Alternatively, contact can be made through the travelling Con Men Hotline is 1300 133 408.