Safety key to Easter


IT’S a heartbreaking reality that this weekend some Australians will hear the unbearable news, dreaded by all families.
They will get a knock on the door or a phone call, and in the space of seconds will join the ranks of those whose lives have been forever changed by the road toll in one way or another.
This weekend, do your part to prevent that devastating encounter we’ve all played out in our heads – hoping that the hypothetical will never become the real.
Follow simple steps to minimise risk to yourself and others on the roads. Eliminate distractions and take the time to prepare for the trip ahead. Check tyre pressure and ensure that fuel and oil levels are sufficient.
Take regular breaks. SES volunteers will be on barista duty as part of the Driver Reviver program, offering free coffee at designated rest areas. If reaching for your phone is a temptation, turn it to aeroplane mode or put it in the boot.
Other road safety tips when on longer drives include making sure your spare tyre has air in it, ensuring the boot or roof is not overloaded (no obstructions to mirrors) and adjusting music and climate control before starting the trip.
When using country roads, adjust your driving appropriately. Maintain safe following distance, consistently check mirrors and avoid swerving to avoid hitting animals.
Last year, 11 Australians died on the roads between Easter Thursday and Easter Monday. In 2013, that number was 22. Let’s continue the trend, and strive for a safer Easter on our roads.
Be patient, be alert and enjoy your Easter weekend.