
Table tennis
TABLE tennis free open day, Sunday 21 June, between noon and 6pm. Bring along your friends and work colleagues. Runners are essential. In all there are 23 Olympic quality tables. Come and try, no commitment required: except to come and have fun, and to bring your runners. Kilsyth Sports Centre, Liverpool Road, Kilsyth. Inquiries to Andrew on 0450 763 252. Stone wall building course for beginners
Tuesday 30 June, 7.30 to 9pm. Thursday 2 July, 7.30 to 9pm. Saturday 4 July, and Sunday 5 July, 8.30 to 3pm. Lunch included. Held in Kallista. Details: phone Paul 0412 812 144.
Garden group
UPWEY Garden Group (U3A) Michelle Jones, a local gardener and member, will talk on the benefits of collecting and saving seeds from your garden. At Upwey Senior’s Community Centre off Mahoney Street, behind the village shops, on Wednesday 10 June, 7.30pm. Inquiries to Barb: 9754 3877.
TOWN club
THE Maroondah TOWN club (Take Off Weight Naturally) meets weekly on Thursday evenings from 6.30pm at St Margaret’s Uniting Church, Hull Road, Mooroolbark. For more information, contact Marcia on 0409 170 731.
Men’s Shed
COMMUNITY Men’s Sheds are a relatively new concept; however, they are based on the backyard shed, which has been a long established part of Australian culture. These new sheds are open to men of all ages, from all walks of life. The Monbulk District Men’s Shed opened in 2012 and is inviting new members to join. For more information, contact Brian Tunks on 0430 380 379 or Rod Mellis on 9751 1886.