Lachlan a triple-zero hero

Lachlan Ruck, centre, is flanked by, from left: comedian Dave Hughes, triple-zero operator Svetlana, grandmother Karen, mother Amy and grandfather Peter. 155055


AT just eight years old, Gembrook youngster Lachlan Ruck has proved he can be counted on in a crisis.
The cool-headed student at Pakenham Consolidated School sprang into action when his grandfather, Peter, called triple-zero because he was experiencing heart attack symptoms.
While Lachlan didn’t speak to the operator directly, he was instrumental in ensuring his grandfather had the best chance of survival.
He followed the operator’s instructions to the letter, helping to get his grandfather’s pills, putting pets away and unlocking the door for paramedics.
His mother Amy said she couldn’t be any more proud.
“I was out with my mum, Lachlan’s grandma, and he was being looked after by his grandpa,” she said.
“At the time, the family had no knowledge of a heart condition in grandpa.
“He had a heart attack, fell and knocked his head, though he remained conscious.”
Amy said her son often had difficulty controlling his emotions, which made her even more proud that he stepped up when it counted.
“He was scared, but remained calm and followed instructions,” she said.
“He got pills from the draw and locked up the dogs.
“They were only little dogs, but he still did it.”
Amy said she was once in the CFA and used to help conduct talks at schools on what to do in an emergency.
She encouraged parents to talk to their children.
“Anything you say might help them to stay calm in an emergency,” she said.
Emergency Services Minister Jane Garrett and guest presenter, comedian Dave Hughes presented Lachlan’s award at a ceremony on Thursday 2 June.
They also presented 28 other children with Junior Triple Zero Hero awards at the ceremony, now in its 12th year.
“Victoria’s brave Junior Triple Zero Heroes remained remarkable cool, calm and collected in emergencies that would have rattled most adults,” Ms Garrett said.