Help preserve local history

Chris Britton, president Nobelius Heritage Park and Emerald Museum Committee of Management.

The Nobelius Heritage Park and Emerald Museum Committee of Management is seeking new volunteers to help run the Emerald Museum and contribute to the preservation of local history.
New committee members will be appointed at the committee’s biennial general meeting on Tuesday 4 July.
The museum is managed and operated by volunteers, and features more than 3000 local artefacts.
Volunteers are vital to the community; in Cardinia Shire alone, the volunteer numbers are in the hundreds, and are spread across more than 560 organisations, each making significant contributions to our diverse community.
Many organisations, including the Emerald Museum, would struggle to achieve goals or deliver services without the help of volunteers.
Cardinia Shire mayor Brett Owen said volunteers were extraordinary individuals.
“It takes a special kind of person to volunteer time and energy to serve others, without expecting monetary reward,” Cr Owen said.
“Our volunteers do what they do because they are passionate about helping their local community.
“Council is proud to support the valuable contribution of volunteers across all community sectors – from arts and culture groups to young people and children’s organisations; from sporting and recreation groups to education and training; and from aged care and disability providers to emergency services.”
Nobelius Heritage Park and Emerald Museum’s Committee of Management is supported by Cardinia Shire Council.
To find out more, visit; or contact Emerald Museum on 5968 2152 or email