Aussie comedian Kevin Bloody Wilson is bringing his tongue-in-cheek politically incorrect tour to the York on Lilydale.
He will continue to help “prevent global boring”, as he described it.
As one of few funny-men who totally embody the spirit of Australian humour, Kev is revered around the globe for his Aussie larrikin take on life.
The aptly named tour Almost Awesome will see him traverse his extensive back catalogue, performing fan favourites like DILLIGAF, Dick’taphone, I Knew the Bride (When She Used to be a Mole) and Living Next Door to Alan, plus many more.
Speaking to the Mail, Kev said audiences could expect anything to happen.
“There will be lots of full-frontal nudity from me,” he joked.
“The show revolves on its own axis, I never know night from night what is going in the show.
“A lot of ad-lib goes in, it depends what is happening in the world between now and then.”
Kevin Bloody Wilon will play at the York On Lilydale on Wednesday 3 October. Visit for tickets.