A Q&A with visual artist Tracey Samios

Artist Tracey Samios at the Burrinja Cultural Centre in Upwey. PICTURE STEWART CHAMBERS 303381_01

Tracey Samios is a visual artist, working mainly in acrylics, pastels and linocut printmaking. Her artwork is a mixed bag varying in styles from naive to abstract, using bright colours and inspiration from real life and her imagination. Her art studio is at the Burrinja Cultural Centre and art gallery in Upwey. Her work is inspired by wonderful painters such as Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, L.S. Lowry, Joan Miro, Margaret Olley, Gary Bunt, Anders Hultman, Vuillard, Cedric Morris, Joan Eardley and many others.

1. What is something people don’t know about you?

When I was in my late 20s, I lived and worked on Norfolk Island for a year. It was a great experience, living like a local and it certainly ignited my passion for travel. I worked as a secretary for the ‘All Seasons Resorts – South Pacific Resort Hotel’ and during that time participated in lots of their local groups and events. The island is very picturesque, with beautiful areas of sub-tropical rainforests. My two favourite spots were Kingston Beach area and the view from on top of Mountt Bates; where you had a magnificent 360 degree view of the island and the surrounding water.

2. Tell us about your role as an artist.

I started painting when Covid-19 hit. I had finally retired after 16 years of office work and decided to do something I had always dreamt of doing. I came across an online art challenge and decided to join. I began to paint daily and before long I was listing my paintings on the Bluethumb Art website for sale.


In May this year, I applied for a studio at the Burrinja Cultural Centre and much to my delight, I was accepted. I now work at Studio number 16 in the aerie artist area of the Burrinja Cultural Centre. I can be found there on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, midday to 4pm and Saturday by appointment.

3. What has been your most memorable moment as an artist? Why?

I would have to say my first art sale on the Bluethumb Art website – it gave me a real buzz! It also gave me the confidence to apply for a Studio space at the Burrinja Cultural Centre. Being accepted & working alongside other very talented creative artists makes me feel very grateful & privileged to have this new artistic world open up to me.

4. What do you love most about working and living in the Dandenong Ranges?

I love the vibe of the whole area; it is unique, arty, quirky and enveloping. I love the village style towns of Upwey, Tecoma, Belgrave, Kallista, Sassafras and Olinda to name a few. The lovely view of the rolling green hills when I drive along Glenfern Road in Upwey; I often stop and park my car on the side of the road and take photos of the hills dotted with sheep and cows, with Melbourne city buildings shimmering on the horizon. I also love seeing the ever changing colours of the trees over the seasons. The Dandenong Ranges has a wonderful influence on my art.

5. What are some of your hobbies?

Painting, of course. I also enjoy doing pottery, sewing, reading and travelling. In 2008, our family joined a home exchange website called (homeexchange.com) and have completed numerous overseas trips by exchanging homes and cars with people from overseas. I think it’s the best way to experience living overseas like a local and better still at no cost. We only needed to pay for our airfares. I highly recommend it.

6. What event, past, present, or future, would you like to witness?

That scientists have found the cure for all cancers. I am also looking forward to our UK trip next year, which will by luck coincide with King Charles’s Coronation. And I am really looking forward to having an Art Exhibition on display at Burrinja at some stage in mid 2023.

7. Who do you admire the most?

Apart from my husband and our girls, I have always admired my beautiful mum. She was an elegant, caring and stylish lady. She was a wonderful mother, always supportive and great company. I miss her dearly and loved our time together chatting, going to see a film or play, shopping, travelling and family get togethers.

8. What is an important issue in the region you think needs exposure?

I think that Covid-19 and other factors have seen a huge increase in people suffering from anxiety. If there could be more mental health services made available to help people young and old, deal with these crippling symptoms, to enable them to cope better.

Burrinja Cultural Centre is is open from Monday to Saturday, between 10am and 4pm, and is located at 351 Glenfern Road in Upwey.