Q and A with Emerald photographer James Hughes

Emerald photographer James Hughes. 320189_01 Photo: STEWART CHAMBERS

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

Hmmm. Something fun…… I used to live in the South of France, on a boat, and we would have water bomb fights with the Gucci family yacht!

What are you most passionate about?

Apart from raising my son to be a good human… Photography… for sure.

Do you have any hobbies?

Photography, long distance cycling, yoga.

What would your last meal be?

Hungry Jacks Vegan Burger (I’ve stopped myself from eating them, and now crave them whenever I pass one).

What was your most memorable moment?

My son being born.

What was your favourite subject in school?


What event past or present would you like to witness?

Moses parting the Red Sea (if it did actually happen).

Which six dinner guests, dead or alive, would you invite to dinner?

Jimmy Hendrix, Elvis, Ansel Adams, Henri Cartier Bresson, Dolly Parton, Arthur Daily.

What are you currently listening to/watching or reading?

Audio Book Series: “The Lost Fleet” (SciFi space battles)

How would you describe your fashion sense?

Still probably influenced by living in London, but pretty boring really. Since I turned 50, I certainly care a lot less about fashion.

Have you had a pet that has made an impact on your life?

Bob… my staffy. I still have dreams about him.

If you had to compete on MasterChef, what dish would you cook?

I wouldn’t. I’d rather poke hot skewers in my eyes.

Where is your dream holiday destination?

Desert island beach, with no one around. Maybe Seychelles, or somewhere like that.

What were you like as a kid?

I was a fat, angry bully, with a massive chip on my shoulder. Then I became a peace loving hippy.

What is your favourite colour and why?

Currently I seem to like navy blue. Not sure why… but I keep buying clothing in that colour.

What was your first job?

I worked in a one hour photo lab, developing and printing film.

What are the three most used apps on your phone?

Camera, Notes, MindBody

What’s one question you have never been able to get the answer to?

Hmmm… The meaning of life??