CARTOON: Hard rubbish herons
Between January and March, every household in Yarra Ranges will have a collection of hard waste, metals and whitegoods and bundled branches.
Lost Hghway is better
Mulholland Drive
Starring Naomi Watts, Laura Harring and Justin Theroux
Renowned filmmaker David Lynch passed away on January 15, so this week I thought I'd take...
A fine example of romantasy
The North Wind, by American author Alexandria Warwick, is the second work in the romantasy genre that this reviewer has ever read.
It allows...
School saving bonus, power outage review and mobile offices: key updates for the community
Happy new year! I hope this finds you well and refreshed!
School’s back and this time of the year can be particularly expensive...
Explore, prepare, enjoy
Welcome to 2025.
The new year means 12 months of events, of community projects, or engagements, of exciting possibilities for every one of us,...
Small business
When small businesses thrive, our community thrives.
Whether it’s a sign hanging on the fence of a local sporting ground or sponsoring our local events...
CARTOON: Birds sound speaker at Healesville RSL
The fancy bird noises coming from the Healesville RSL are starting to confuse ibises.
Double horror catch-up
Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person and The First Omen
M, MA15+
4.25/5, 4.5/5
Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person is a touching, intimate French Canadian horror...
The smells of summer
Officially summer is here and though the days can vary from bursts of heat back to ‘grabbing a cardy kind of day’, it’s beginning...
CARTOON: Two weeks to go
Two weeks left until Christmas.
Have you bought a present for your loved ones?
Worst films of 2024
It's finally happened – after eleven years of running this column, I didn't see enough bad movies this year.
2024 still had a decent crop...
Beyond horror
Horror stories don't need murder, mayhem and madness to create a sense of dread, despair and doom.
The best stories in this genre both...