Hills clubs funded to improve women, girls sport

Belgrave Football Netball Club's women's football team. Picture: SUPPLIED.

Boosting women’s sport across the Dandenong Ranges has been made even more possible with three clubs gaining grant funding from the Change Our Game program.

Sassafras Ferny Creek Netball Club’s Hills Women are Active Program was just one program of the total 119 to gain funding, which will provide exercise sessions for women in the Yarra Ranges whilst their children are playing sports nearby.

Belgrave Football Netball Club and Upwey Tecoma Junior Football Club were also among the recipients to gain up to $10,000 to put towards their club’s programs, whether in participation, capability or community leaders.

“I look forward to seeing how the opportunities supported through the Change Our Game Community Activation Grants Program drive practices that support a level playing field for women and girls in community sport and active recreation across Victoria,” Director of the Office for Women in Sport and Recreation Sarah Styles said.

Since 2018, more than $2.9 million in funding has been provided to 580 eligible organisations through the Community Activation Grants program, which is part of the Government’s $18.8 million investment in the Office for Women in Sport and Recreation and Change Our Game initiative.

“These grants are driving change for women and girls right across Victoria and providing new ways to take part in the sports they love within their own local communities,” community sport minister Ros Spence said.

To learn more about Change Our Game, head to changeourgame.vic.gov.au