Texting lessons

YOUNG people in Knox are encouraging older folk to get in touch with their textuality.
Eleven young people from Knox will teach older residents how to send Short Messaging Service (SMS) messages on mobile phones.
The training will be offered on three consecutive Thursday afternoons beginning on Thursday, 2 November, and is available to all adults. Phone Karren Komodromos on 9758 7859.
People call Karren Komodromos at MDLC on 9758 7859 to register for the course.
Knox Council Youth Services, Mountain District Learning Centre (MDLC) and the Telstra Melbourne East Metro team have teamed up to put on the program.
Knox mayor David Cooper said it was a great opportunity for older members of the community to learn something new, at the same time making use of young people’s skills.
“It’s often difficult for older people to negotiate new and emerging technologies and this training aims to help them bridge that gap,” he said.
MDLC saw demand for such a program and asked the council for help recruiting young people, while Telstra is providing the training tools.