Turning over a new page after 31 years

Judy Wolff surrounded by the Eastern Regional Libraries Team.

By Derek Schlennstedt

A library is only ever as good as the people that work there, so it’s no wonder that the Belgrave Library has become such a popular and enduring institution within the hills.

Judy Wolff is one of the librarians at Belgrave who has helped to mould that culture, but, after a 31-year-long career – that has seen her help thousands of Belgrave residents find what they were looking for even if they weren’t sure what that was – Judy hung up her library card on 14 November.

Staff, friends and family came together at Belgrave Library to bid her farewell, with Eastern regional libraries CEO Joseph Cullen paying special tribute to her contribution to the library, and the community.

“Judy has been with eastern regional libraries 31 years and she has displayed an exceptional level of professionalism always tempered with her great commitment to, and love for her local community,” Mr Cullen said.

“We really appreciate your commitment to eastern regional libraries and the communities you’ve serves so diligently and well.”

Turning the page on her 31 year career, Ms Wolff said she has relished the opportunity to work at her ‘local library’.

“Well it’s come to this and it will come to all of us,” she joked.

“I’ve met so many lovely people over the counter who have become very dear friends.”

“I remain grateful for this solid job, the ole’ fashioned gold plated, public service job … they don’t make jobs like this anymore, which is why so many of us have 30 years or more.”

“It’s been a tough gig. There’s been highs and many lows, and I’ve been outspoken and made an awful lot of friends but Belgrave has become my happy spot, I have to say.”