Q&A with owner of Upwey’s Enchanted Pines, Cat Sloman

Cat Sloman, owner of Enchanted Pines Upwey.

What is something people don’t know about you?

I am a fully qualified tradesperson.

What was your most memorable moment? Why?

The day I received my qualifications as a Cabinet maker. Ive never in my life had to work so hard for something that others took for granted. Being in a very male dominated industry and always being the only female in the factory or on site, I had to prove myself every single day that I had just as much right to be there than the next person. It was a huge accomplishment and one I will treasure forever.

What do you love most about the Yarra Ranges?

The community, for sure! That and the trees.

What event, past, present or future would you like to witness?

I would love to witness the Sakura festival in Japan.

Which six guests, dead or alive, would you invite to a dinner party?

Right now the only answer I can give is my family. My mum and dad, Brother and two sisters, and of course Teddy the Cat.

What has been your most embarrassing moment?

For my thirtieth birthday I went to the Mofo festival in Tassie. I lined up to order a hot drink, and never having tried a chai before, I cleared my throat and asked for what I thought was a type of chai latte written out on the board, it went something like…. “Can I please have a Chai Tumeric hot chocotate tea coffee latte? Still makes me cringe, especially given that I am now a barista!

What are your hobbies?

I love to paint, I’m no artist but I will give any medium ago. And I love writing, mainly science fiction or speculative fiction but again I like to give any genre a go.

What was your favourite subject at school?

Art, for sure because my sister and I were in the same class. We spent more time chomping on chunky kit Kats then we did with a brush in our hands and laughed ourselves silly. We both received A+ but after the board reassessed our work for the year we were downgraded to C-, looking back now it was a fair call but worth it!