Due to overwhelming popularity, Cardinia Shire Council is giving away extra free native plant vouchers to schools, kindergartens, community groups and owners of properties more than 4000 sqm.
“When we initially launched the free $100 vouchers around a month ago, they were snapped up in record time. It’s encouraging to see so many groups interested in greening their patch to support local wildlife and increase carbon capture and storage,” said Cardinia Shire’s Mayor, Cr Brett Owen.
Online applications for vouchers go live at 9am on Monday 18 October and are open while stock lasts. Applicants need to provide their contact details, property size, and, using an easy drop-down menu, explain how their planting will deliver environmental benefits.
The vouchers can be used for a range of plantings including shelter belts, waterway protection, soil stabilisation, to create wildlife corridors, bird attracting or sensory gardens.
Successful applicants will be able to choose from a selection of indigenous trees, shrubs and grasses as tube stock. Species include indigenous plants such as Gum trees, Wattles, Banksia, Correas, Lomandras, Dianella and much more.
Vouchers are to be redeemed at CEC Nursery at Deep Creek Reserve, 62 Cameron Way, Pakenham. Plants can be collected once vouchers have been issued and COVID-19 restrictions have lifted.
For more information about the nursery, visit www.cecinc.net.au/cec-nursery or email nursery@cecinc.net.au
For more information about Cardinia Shire’s commitment to biodiversity, visit Council’s website at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/freeplants or call our Customer Service team on 1300 787 624.