Cardinia Cultural Centre launches online art challenge

Cardinia Cultural Centre has launched an online art challenge encouraging participants to flex their creative muscles and share their creativity with the community.

The CardiArt Challenge is a social media art challenge running until 14 November 2021 on the Cardinia Cultural Centre Instagram account @cardiniculturalcentre

Each day a new prompt will invite participants to respond by creating an artwork that is inspired by the prompt of the day. Participants can use any artistic style or medium of their choice.

Once each artwork is completed, participants publish their creation or a photograph of their creation on their own Instagram account adding the hashtag #CardiArtChallenge

By using the hashtag #CardiArtChallenge, participants give Cardinia Cultural Centre and affiliated Cardinia Shire Council social media accounts permission to repost.

Participants must be following the @cardiniaculturalcentre Instagram account to enter.

The CardiArt Challenge is a fun opportunity for participants to flex their creative muscles and connect with other creatives in our community.

For more information about the CardiArt Challenge visit Council’s website at or call the Cardinia Cultural Centre team on 1300 887 624.