Rotary supports local churches’ Christmas hamper drive

Nicole Lane of St Mark’s Church, Emerald; Rotary Club of Emerald and District President Shalini Penny; and Sue Barbieri of St Luke’s Church, Cockatoo. Picture: PARKER MCKENZIE.

Rotary Club of Emerald and District has bought the festive cheer to local families in need early this Christmas by donating $1000 towards hampers and vouchers.

The club provided $500 to each of St Mark’s Church of Emerald and St Luke’s Church of Cockatoo to support a long running Christmas initiative.

Emerald Rotary President Shalini Penny said the club has distributed more than $15,000 to locals impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic in the past year.

“The $1,000 donation to the local churches extends our commitment to supporting the local community during these challenging times so that those less fortunate can have the Christmas they deserve”. She said.

The hampers contain Christmas staples including ham, cake, pudding, mince pies and more.

Nicole Lane from St Mark’s Church said local schools in the area play a huge role in the hamper drive.

“We work in partnership with the local primary schools and secondary school which distribute the hampers and vouchers on behalf of the churches,” Mrs Lane said.

“This year, 80 hampers and $1,100 in Christmas vouchers will be given out to support those in need.”

The food items and part of the financial assistance were donated by the local IGA supermarkets and businesses, local service clubs, the Cockatoo Market and local residents.

Sue Barbieri from St Luke’s Church said the hamper drive is an important initiative for the church.

“It helps brighten up Christmas Day for local families, particularly after what’s been a particularly tough year for many in our community”. She said.

Those in need over Christmas can also receive some essential items for free from The Food Store, which operates out of St Luke’s Church in Cockatoo on a Monday from 10am to 2pm.