Keeping safe in 2022

Dr Hasantha Jasinarachchi 265560_02

Hillscene Family Medical Centre (HFMC) wishes its patients and The Hills community a Happy New Year 2022.

In the last six months, we have welcomed onboard Dr Grace Cheok (FRACGP), a female doctor with over 10 years’ experience in general practice specialising in family medicine. Dr Grace works on Tuesdays from 9am-6pm.

We have also added another psychologist Roslyn Delrayne to the team. Roslyn works on Mondays from 9am-5pm. She provides both paid and bulk-billed services for her patients.

HFMC has been fortunate to add two nurses to our team to ensure we provide more holistic services. Nurses are a great help to general practices by supporting doctors with taking care of patients’ overall health, especially with early identification and prevention.

We acknowledge the unprecedented tough times Melbournians have faced for the last two years and wish to remind our community that our bulk-billing services are available for all, especially support for mental health services like mental health care plans.

As February begins, HFMC is preparing for three major vaccination events for the community – Covid-19 booster vaccinations that are ongoing and for the newly eligible five-12 year olds, and flu vaccines for the upcoming flu season in April. Bookings for the pediatric and booster doses are now available. Please call HFMC during business hours for vaccination clinic timings. Further news about flu vaccinations will be available closer to April, and information will be disseminated through our usual mediums online.

General practices like HFMC undergo intensive training to be authorised vaccination providers for the Covid-19 vaccine. This includes logistics planning, staff training for doctors and nurses, and obtaining permits from the local Public Health Network. All of this culminates in ensuring that the Covid-19 vaccines are administered in a safe and effective manner for Australians.

On the flu vaccine front, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) has recently commented on the success of the 2020 and 2021 flu campaign. It was attributed to a combination of increased members of the population immunising themselves against the flu, along with the extra measures of hygiene safety in place due to the pandemic like face masks, increased hand sanitisation, and social distancing. It is worth noting that these increased hygienic measure cultivated during the pandemic are useful in helping in the fight against other common viral illnesses like the flu by decreasing or slowing its spread.

HFMC operates Mon – Fri from 9am to 6pm. Appointments can be booked online 24/7 or through phone during business hours. For any enquiries, you can email