Free live music event at Dandenong Ranges RSL
Hills residents will be able to enjoy a free music event at the Dandenong Ranges RSL in February in an attempt by the organisation...
Gembrook Craft Group classes held in February
The Gembrook Craft group will be offering three workshops in February 2023.
The macrame workshop will be held on Saturday 18 February, with two...
Kalorama Rally set to return for 65th year
Kalorama Memorial Reserve will be home to a horde of vintage, classic and veteran cars and bikes from all over Victoria on Sunday 5...
Locals invited to attend Hills Arts Alliance AGM
A new collective for creatives and artists in the hills is calling for interested locals to participate in an AGM on Wednesday 15 February.
Influential artist honoured in retrospective exhibition at Sherbrooke Art Gallery
An influential artist who left her mark in the Dandenong Ranges community is being honoured by the Sherbrooke Art Society and her husband in...
It’s a doll’s world at Millers Homestead
Three different artists who all create dolls - but different styles - will have their work showcase at Millers Homestead from Tuesday 24 January.
Camelot Castle opens in the Yarra Ranges
Camelot castle's drawbridge is set to be lowered and its gates opened for a Medieval Village Fair on Sunday 5 February.
The event will be...
Music set to fill Millers Homestead this summer
Millers Homestead's picturesque garden created the perfect stage for an African drumming and kora performance from local musicians on Friday 13 January, the first...
Spotlighting emerging artist Emily Lowe
Native scenery, wildlife and the natural environment have formed inspiration for local Hills artist Emily Lowe.
“I'm heavily inspired by the local landscape and particularly...
Tecoma-based author publishes first fantasy novel
A Tecoma-based father-of-two has released his first book; a fictional tale of two teenage siblings who find themselves on a magical trail of adventure....
Networking night for local creatives
Cardinia Shire Council invites artists to kick off 2023 at a creative networking night aimed at visual artists who want to learn more about...
Emerald Hills Hub hosts first exhibition for 70-year-old artist
The Emerald Hills Hub is now home to the debut exhibition of 70-year-old Officer local Chris Russo, showcasing paintings of plants and the environment....