True believer

I WRITE on behalf of what is now recognised as one of the largest grassroots campaigns in the country, the community fight against McDonald’s in Tecoma.
Last week Laetitia Jones of Kalorama in a letter titled “Getting Nasty” made totally incorrect claims that were extremely disingenuous and very misleading.
Our campaign from day one has been non-violent and inclusive of all. At the height of the demolition last year with hundreds on the picket, the small businesses across the hills came to our support with daily deliveries of food, coffee, cash and support – this was not forgotten by our campaign.
More recently when our community held a ball to raise monies for local charities again it was wonderfully supported by local small businesses, so to allude that these same businesses are verbally abused, intimidated, and boycotted by a number of our supporters supporters is simply parroting the lies of a handful of anti-social internet trolls.
Rather than “Getting Nasty” this campaign has (and continues) to create many positive actions, these have included the C126 planning amendments, the successful lobbying of a major political party to include the reform of VCAT in their election platform and several community events that have raised much-needed funds for local charities.
But perhaps the biggest positive and a lasting legacy was the creation of The Burgeroff Trail (www.the a promotional campaign that uses social media, internet and a clever smartphone app to promote small businesses across the hills to visiting tourists. This initiative was put together by campaign volunteers and funded by the very same campaign that Ms Jones incorrectly claims has attacked local businesses.
The Burgeroff Trail is our way of returning the support to the small businesses who supported us and continue to support us.
Ms Jones however may have got one thing nearly right. There is certainly one business suffering a downturn in Tecoma because the vast majority of Tecoma and surrounding hills voted no to its unwelcome and unwanted presence in our town.
Garry Muratore,
Campaign Spokesperson,
No McDonald’s in the Dandenong Ranges.