By Derek Schlennstedt
Pets Haven, a new not-for-profit veterinary clinic and animal rescue service in Bayswater, is facing closure.
The clinic made a public call on Facebook to residents and locals in the area for help, which if not received may result in the clinic’s closure by February, said founder Trish Burke.
The Pets Haven Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation which re-homes orphan felines and canines who would otherwise have no future.
Pets Haven has an animal shelter in Woodend and the clinic was the next progression in helping many of the mistreated and malnourished animals get the best treatment available.
“I started the animal shelter because of a genuine love for animals, and wanting to make a difference; and step by step we have,” Trish said.
That difference can be clearly seen in the foundation’s statistics. In the past year the foundation has taken in 3826 animals
Trish said the clinic in Bayswater was created to ensure the animals surrendered to Pets Haven were given the best service possible, as well as to provide affordable support to animal owners.
“The aim was to provide better services to our rescue animals coming through the system and to provide affordable services to the community.
“A vaccination is $55 and to desex a male cat is $65 – female cats are $100 … the whole concept isn’t to put our rates up, it’s to be affordable for everybody.
“From saving animals off the streets, to wanting to help the community … that’s what this clinic was meant to be.
“Pets are now seen as a luxury – we feel everybody should be able to have a pet in life and take care of it.”
Trish attributed the clinic’s troubles to a lack of clientele, and said unless it changed it was likely the not-for profit clinic that relied on donations would close in February.
“I can’t sleep … this was just our dream and to see it fall apart, it’s soul-destroying.”
“I wanted to make a real difference to every pet owner,” she said.
To donate to Pets Haven Veterinary Clinic in Bayswater, visit donations@petshaven.org.au.
Pets Haven is located in Bayswater at 302-304 Canterbury Road, Bayswater North.