By Derek Schlennstedt
In November 2018, the Mail reported on the Upwey Men’s Shed when Upwey stalwarts, Peter Marke, Andrew Peterson, Andrew Fullagar and Mark Addison were looking to introduce a Men’s Shed to the township.
At the time Peter Marke said that he always felt there was a need for one in Upwey and that a meeting would help gauge the level of interest in creating one.
That interest has now been gauged and following a successful public meeting in late 2018, sixty men indicated an interest in being involved in the establishment of an Upwey Men’s Shed.
A steering committee has since been formed and is now working closely with local community organisations and Yarra Ranges Council to identify possible options for a home
“For a number of years the idea had been bubbling along and then late last year, some of us got together and asked why we don’t look at the idea,’” Treasurer Andrew Fullagar said.
“Thought Let’s just put it out there, and so we sent a letter out to all the letterboxes of all the houses in Upwey and were very happy to see 60 people turn up to the initial meeting.”
While the direction of the shed is yet to be determined activities in the ‘shed’ can include woodwork, metal work, electronics, and projects to assist local community groups and pursue social and recreational interests.
Though, the group needs to find a home first and Mr Fullagar said the group would be working closely with Yarra Ranges Council to identify a location.
“Every Men’s shed is different and establishes its own character,” he said.
“An Upwey Men’s Shed might provide a welcoming place for people to drop in and just have a cuppa and see what goes on and hopefully get community organisations and Yarra Ranges Council to identify possible options for a home,” Mr Fullagar said.