By Derek Schlennstedt
Youth Mentoring Initiative ‘Try Mentoring’ is seeing a shortage of volunteers in the Dandenong Ranges, and leaders say they need your help.
Try Mentoring connects at-risk and vulnerable young people aged 7-20-years-old with a positive adult role model.
The not-for-profit organistion supports volunteers to empower, guide and listen to young people as a fully trained mentor.
TRY offers personal development training days for all mentors, and Program Co-ordinator Daniel Beeson said mentors could either assist by joining a group mentor program or a 1 to 1 mentor program.
“We believe it is incredibly important to empower, support, and listen to the voices of young people especially if they face generational issues of disadvantage,” he said.
“By intervening positively in a young person’s life, we change outcomes for a community.
“The stigma around mentoring is that people don’t think there are qualified enough or not worthy enough so we’re trying to break that stigma.
“They just need to show up, have some fun and be present and to take that person their mentoring out of their environment …generally that’s all that is needed.”
TRY’s group mentoring program involves the connection and matching of at least two mentors with a group of young people, which usually involves coming together to participate in a shared activity, such as sport, performing arts, or group fitness.
Also on offer is the 1:1 mentor program, which involves matching one mentor with a young person on a one-to-one basis.
Each match meets weekly to enjoy a shared activity over the course of 12 months.
“We’re doing amazing things and we just need more people to jump on board,” Mr Beeson said.
“It’s nothing to scary and just one hour each week can make a difference and change the life of a person who really need sit.”