By Derek Schlennstedt
Seventeen community groups and organisations around the Dandenong Ranges are now armed with defibrillators.
The Dandenong Ranges Community Bank Group launched its Defibrillator Sponsorship program in 2018 and presented the Cardiac Science G5 Automatic External Defibrillator machines to the 17 groups on 25 February.
These units along with the units gifted to chemists in Upwey and Belgrave last year bring the total of the defibrillator sponsorship program to $52,500.
According to new research in January 2019, more lives than ever are being saved by defibrillators in public areas.
The latest Victorian Ambulance Cardiac Arrest Registry (VACAR) Annual Report shows that 82 people were shocked using a publicly accessible defibrillator in 2017-2018 – two more than the previous year and the most on record.
The Dandenong Ranges Community Bank Group Chairman John Waters said it was great to offer these life saving devices to so many groups in the community.
“These units are provided so that in the case of an emergency they are close at hand and can be used if an ambulance is too far away,” he said.
“We hope they are never used, but are pleased that there are now 17 additional AED’s in our community should the need arise.”
Each group receiving an AED will also be given face to face training by Defib for Life.
Gembrook Riding Club, St Thomas Mores Parish, Ash Wednesday Bushfire Education Centre, Tecoma Primary School, Upwey South Primary School, Metropolitan Traffic Education Centre, Belgrave Men’s Shed, Dandenong Ranges RSL Sub Branch, Upwey Township Group, 1st Upwey Scout Group, Upwey Tecoma Community Recreational and Sporting Hub, Lysterfield Primary School, Kallista-The Patch Fire Brigade, Kalorama-Mt Dandenong CFA, Emerald CFA, Emerald SES and Olinda Rural Fire Brigade all received an AED.
“This is a great outcome for our communities and another example of how the community’s banking business produces great benefits,” Senior Group Manager Mike Fleming said.
“Our three branches in Upwey, Belgrave and Cockatoo all have community groups represented in tonight’s presentation and this is an outstanding effort .”