Strong moves are afoot to address the ongoing issue of tagging and graffiti in the Hills.
A combination of street art, police presence and a forthcoming public forum aims to engender a more positive approach to those wielding spray cans.
This public forum will be held in Selby and will feature powerful street art taken from recent travels in the Middle East.
During his travels forum organizer Karl Williams fund that wherever he encountered street art with profound political and social meaning there was practically no evidence of vandalism or mindless tagging.
“It seems that youth in the Middle East are forced to grow up quickly and become politicised, and one of their means for self-expression is the spray can” said Mr. Williams.
“They turn to street art because they’re pushing hard to change the system. But in the Hills there are obviously a lot of apolitical kids without much to say for themselves, sad to say.
“To get them passionately engaged in building a better world isn’t going to be easy, but it may be the best long term solution.”
The Belgrave Traders Association will also be represented at the forum, as they themselves have been addressing the tagging problem with a number of creative approaches.
“In recent years we’ve been funding youth teams to beautify the town centre with striking murals” said Traders president Kean Flanagan.
“Belgrave is now enjoying a reputation for its innovative street art, especially with environmental themes, and if the art is seen to be high quality, then it’s respected by taggers and left alone.”
The Traders have also worked with Yarra Rangers Council and Belgrave police to have 15 security cameras installed at a cost of $86,000, which has had a noticeable impact on anti-social behavior.
Selby Community House organises four public forums a year, and the house has a vested interest in its own forthcoming forum.
“The community house has been badly tagged three times over the last year but through youth engagement programs such as our recent community mosaic project, we’re aiming to find positive outlets for the creative energies of local youth” said Selby Community House manager Anna Reid.
“Street Art vs. Graffiti” will be held at the house on Wednesday March 13, starting at 7pm. All are welcome not only to attend, but to voice their opinion. A gold coin is requested to cover the cost of a light supper. Enquiries can be made to the house on 9754 2039.