By Derek Schlennstedt
Hundreds of riders are expected to tackle the jumps and bumps at the Lilydale Conquer the Valley BMX competition on April 7.
The Conquer the Valley competition is the biggest event of the year at Lilydale BMX Club, which will have local, state and even interstate riders testing themselves against the best in the sport.
Club president, Ian Henderson, said that the Lilydale event will be a great hit-out for riders ahead of the National Championships to be held in May in Shepparton.
“For some elite competitors, the National Championships are key to being able to represent Australia at the World Championships as well as the Olympics next year.”
Lilydale BMX Club’s Julie Urben di Giamo and Connor Fallon, both 14-years-old, and current State Champions will be amongst a huge contingent of riders from across the country, competing for the greatest of BMX prizes.
Attracting over 1000 people, both riders and spectators alike flock to the popular competition.
Committee Member at Lilydale BMX club, Rob Fallon, said that BMX has become one of the fastest-growing sports in Australia and is one of the few sports where total family participation can take place.
Total family participation is exactly what spectators can expect at this year’s event with the competition ranging from kids as young as three, to veteran riders over 50-years-old.
“We’ve had rapid expansion since 2012 when the track underwent a restoration project and now have entire families riding.”
“This competition is open to boys and girls, kids and adult’s … our youngest riders are what we call mini wheels and are 3-years-old. Older riders are in the veteran category and are over 50 … everyone gives it a red hot go though.”
Conquer the Valley takes place from 10.30am – 2pm, Sunday, 27 May, at the Lilydale BMX club.
The club is also holding a free coaching clinic coming on the 4 May called RideIn2BMX, with sessions for girls, boys, women and men. Head to Lilydale BMX Club’s Facebook page for more information.
Mr Fallon invited everyone along to see the best of the best go head-to-head
“It’s a really fantastic spectator sport because where we are located near the Warburton trial you can stand there and get a birds views of everything that’s going on.”