By Derek Schlennstedt
The Victorian State Government has announced the opening of the 2019-2020 Victorian Landcare Grants for projects that protect and restore Victoria’s land and environment in the Monbulk Electorate.
Minister for Energy, Environment & Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio announced the $1.76 million grants program to support Landcare and other environmental volunteer groups.
Monbulk MP James Merlino said grants of up to $20,000 were available to Landcare, Friends of, Coastcare and other environmental volunteer groups and networks in the Monbulk Electorate for on-ground works, education and capacity building projects that protect and restore Victoria’s land and environment.
Support grants of $500 are also available for new and existing groups and networks to assist with operating costs and provide a stable base for Landcare and environmental volunteering across Victoria.
“The Victorian Government invests over $9 million annually into the Victorian Landcare Program to ensure the ongoing protection and improvement of Victoria’s land, water and biodiversity,” Mr Merlino said.
“Since its inception more than 30 years ago, the Landcare movement has made an important contribution to Victoria’s environment and we are committed to supporting this work.”
“These grants will go a long way in aiding the great on-ground actions of community and environmental volunteer groups who work tirelessly to protect Victoria’s land and environment.”
The Victorian Landcare Grants support the implementation of Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2037, the Victorian Government’s long-term plan to protect our environment and Victorians Volunteering for Nature – Environmental Volunteering Plan.
For more information on the grants contact your local CMA, Regional Landcare Coordinator or go to www.environment.vic.gov.au/grants