By Derek Schlennstedt
More than 800,000 indigenous plants have been planted in the last twelve years of Council’s Ribbons of Green program, offsetting emissions and improving the environment across Yarra Ranges.
Ribbons of Green helps around 45 local landholders each year to carry out habitat restoration works on their properties.
This results in the planting and protecting of around 50,000 indigenous native plants every year.
At the 10-year evaluation on 23 July, Yarra Ranges Councillor, Richard Higgins, said Council creating partnerships with landholders has been a highlight of the program.
“Ribbons of Green is something our community can be really proud of,” Cr Higgins said.
“The Yarra Ranges is home to some of the most environmentally important areas in Victoria.
“The program is restoring our natural habitat, supplying landholders with indigenous native plants and planting equipment along with ongoing training and advice.
“Protecting and creating habitat on private land is a meaningful way for landowners to contribute to our gorgeous landscape and help build its resilience.”
Over a twelve year period, Ribbons of Green has provided plants to around 500 private land owners, 69 schools and 30 reserves.
Speaking to Councillors, Simon Woodland and Kym Saunders said landowners had reported an increase in wildlife on their properties, following the plantings.
“We provide the plants, tube stock, weed matting and tree guards, and landowners take it from there,” they said.
“Wildlife doesn’t lie, and when we set-up motion activated fauna cameras in these areas they’ve captured photos of wildlife returning to these zones, which we know they don’t do if it’s not right.”
Applications for the program are open all year to landholders with over four acres of land.
The application process includes a site visit from Council to assess eligibility, before any project is approved.
For more information visit yarraranges.vic.gov.au/ribbonsofgreen or call Council’s Environment Team on 1300 368 333.