By Derek Schlennstedt
For many years, the weights room in a gym was the domain of the young, ripped ‘gym-bros’.
However, times are changing and the so-called “testoster-zone” is gradually becoming more diverse, with women and older people discovering the life-changing power of lifting weights.
One of those people leading the charge is Robert Frost, a 70-year-old, from Monbulk who is able to deadlift 140kgs – twice his own body weight .
Proving that it’s never too late to pick up the weights, Mr Frost first ventured into the world of strength training when he competed at the Masters Games in Adelaide in 2015 and won a medal for his age category.
Since then, the septuagenarian has been competing in the biennial Masters Games, and slowly but surely increasing the weight.
“I train every other day, really,” he said.
“I’ll train Monday doing deadlifts, Tuesday’s a rest day, on Wednesday is bench press, Thursday’s a rest and so on …. I don’t think about the week too much as I’m retired, so I can train any day if I want.”
“I just turned 70 which means I’m now in masters 3, which include people aged 70-79.”
“I’m now competing against people who are older than me, which gives me an advantage,” he joked.
At the 2017 Australian Masters Games, Frost reached a personal best in all three events.
This year he hopes to improve on his personal best and said he should easily bench press 50kg, complete a 100kg squat and a deadlift of 140kg.
““This time I aim to lift a total of 280kgs, which could make me the strongest power lifter in my class in Australia.”
“The first attempt will be a weight I know I can lift – a light weight. The second will be my best lift in training and the third lift -if I get that far – is a lift I haven’t ever done before.”
Frost, who trains at the Monbulk Aquatic Centre, said he hopes to encourage other people to try weightlifting.
“It’s not some secret, it’s just doing the exercises and consistency of training.”
Though, he admitted that diet is just as important as training, which is why he’s on the lookout for a nutrition coach.
“What I need is a Nutrition Coach to monitor protein-intake and overall diet,” he said.“It’d be great is someone could get on board again and give me a spot.”
Frost will compete in the Australian Masters Games in South Australia from 5-12 October.
Anyone with nutrition experience who is willing to lend a hand can contact him on robertoff227@gmail.com