Cardinia Shire Council has dedicated $1.6 million in its draft 2020-21 budget to assist community members, support groups and businesses cope with the financial impacts of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.
Council has announced Phase 2 of its Community and Business Support Package, which includes a range of rates support, such as:
· Extended due dates
· Interest-free periods
· Payment plans
· A rebate for eligible Health Care Card holders.
“The package includes providing a once-off rate rebate to eligible Health Care Card holders for the 2020-21 rating year, business fees and charges rebates, development of online tools to support businesses to develop e-commerce online services, emergency management response actions and assistance to community agencies in supporting vulnerable people,” said Cardinia Shire Mayor Cr Jeff Springfield.
Eligible Pensioner Concession Card and Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card holders are already entitled to receive, and will continue to receive, a discount on their rates if they live in the property.
Cr Springfield said anyone experiencing financial hardship was strongly encouraged to contact Council.
“Our dedicated Customer Service and Rates team are here to help you. Our phone lines, emails and online forms as still open and accessible. Please, if you are facing financial hardship or feeling worried about paying your rates, fees or charges, contact us.
“Our whole Council team remains absolutely committed to delivering the important, critical and essential services while playing our part to slow the spread.
“We’re doing everything possible to deliver essential services and it is important that these services continue. We know that this is a stressful time – so ensuring we continue to deliver for the community, provide support options, and look after those most in need has never been more important.
“We need to work with each other at this time. Call us if you are experiencing payment difficulties, support local businesses where you can, and stay safe and informed.”
For more information, including details and application information for the Community and Business Support Package visit: www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/coronavirus
Draft Budget and Council Plan on exhibition
Council’s 2020–21 budget, currently on exhibition, has been developed with strong community support and adequate provision for economic stimulus to support local jobs and business. Council will also continue to work with the state and federal governments advocating for more ongoing support.
Cr Springfield said the draft budget proposed a responsible financial approach with a strong understanding of household pressures and a focus on local economic stimulus in light of the Coronavirus pandemic.
“We’re sticking to the State Government’s rate cap, keeping rates as responsible as possible at this time and working hard to deliver the ongoing services our community needs.
“Our focus on delivering essential services means all of the services our community needs and expects – including roads, rubbish and recycling, maternal and children’s services, library services, sporting ovals, street-sweeping and community supports from school crossings to senior citizens centres – will still be delivered within the rates cap.”
The annual budget enables the delivery of the Council Plan, with its focus on our five key priority areas: Our People, Our Community, Our Environment, Our Economy and Our Governance. It has been developed in line with council’s commitment to improving the liveability of Cardinia Shire in a financially responsible manner, and the draft Council Plan 2020 is on public exhibition alongside the draft budget.
Feedback on the draft budget and draft council plan is open until 5pm, Wednesday 13 May 2020, with Council scheduled to consider the budget on Monday 15 June 2020. Submissions can be made online at: www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay
Phase 1 Support Package
Council’s previously announced Phase 1 Community and Business Support package includes:
· Coronavirus Online Help Hub
· Dedicated ‘Call Back’ support team
· Business concierge service
· Rent relief options for commercial tenants in Council properties
· More time to pay animal registration renewals
· Faster payments for suppliers and contractors
· Rebates for some business fees and charges.
Coronavirus Online Help Hub
The Coronavirus Online Help Hub features a range of useful resources as well as a ‘call back’ option if community members would like Council to contact them to assist in finding or understanding relevant support or information. Visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/onlinehelphub