Tecoma’s op-shop fashionista

Michelle with her dolls head fashion creations.

By Taylah Eastwell

While the rest of the world pulls on a half decent top five minutes before an important Zoom call, one Hills woman continues to stun with her wacky and wonderful pre-loved fashion creations.

Michelle Trebilco, a serial op-shopper from Tecoma, is a self-confessed fashion “editor” – someone who takes pre-loved items and edits them to create something more fun.

But Michelle’s “editing” isn’t about hemming a dress or adding a few buttons to a blouse – she’s more into transforming ex-fridge compartments into handbags and gluing niche knick-knack items to her pre-loved shoes.

No two outfits the same, Michelle’s quirky ensembles have captivated audiences around the globe since she was first discovered on the Facebook op-shop community page ‘I Love to Op Shop’.

After some encouragement and confidence building, the Facebook community encouraged Michelle to create her own page dedicated to showing off her one-of-a-kind fashion pieces.

Known to the social media world as Veteran Vamp: A Thriftilicious Fashionista, or VV for short, Michelle now has a loyal following of over 8,500 people who look forward to her daily posts revealing her quirky, classy and often outlandish outfits each morning.

Michelle Trebilco (Veteran Vamp) and her dog Kalmah.

“My outfits have become like artwork. It has become quite complex now when I am trying to put things together, but then that is the fun of it as well,” Michelle said.

“I was originally hesitant to post photos of my face because I didn’t like it, I would only post photos from the neck down. But through the support I received on the ‘I Love to Op Shop’ page I’ve grown in confidence,” she said.

Now, Michelle strikes a pose like a pro, with her “patient husband” her designated in-house photographer.

“It’s just me, my second hand clothes, garage door, non-professional husband with a bloody Samsung phone. Who needs all this professional sh*t,” Michelle laughs.

One of Veteran Vamp’s recent looks. Picture: VETERAN VAMP, A THRIFTILICIOUS FASHIONISTA –  FACEBOOK.

Michelle’s outfit style ranges from colourful costumes, Audrey Hepburn-inspired classic pieces to children’s outfits and punk grunge looks.

“I do it all because I don’t like to be limited. I hate being limited because to me every style of fashion has got something awesome about it,” she said.

But limited isn’t something Michelle often feels, with thousands of artistic pieces sprawled across each and every room in her house.

“It’s a nightmare. I have a very understanding husband, obviously,” she laughs.

“One advantage of having so much is you can always get the perfect outfit together. I lose and rediscover things all the time because I’ve got so much,” she said.

Her dog Kalmah is an important part of her look. Picture: VETERAN VAMP, A THRIFTILICIOUS FASHIONISTA –  FACEBOOK.

For Michelle, the experimentation involved in altering clothes and handmaking headpieces, shoes and custom-made bags is all part of the fun.

“I’ve actually learnt so much about fashion since I first started, I never used to accessorise much to begin with but now I do it all the time because it really makes an outfit. I’m definitely having the most fun with the accessories lately because they just give that bang and make such a difference,” she said.

“I’m no seamstress, I’m a bit of a hack but when you get things so cheaply from op shops you can afford to experiment,” she said.

Her secret to her one-of-a-kind handbags is to find any item that could double as a handle, having used retro phones, plastic snakes, and a toilet paper ring in past pieces.

“Then, if you find something you know you can put something in and somehow attach the handle, it’s a bag,” she laughs.

The bag Veteran Vamp made out of a fridge compartment and towel ring. 
A Veteran Vamp handbag creation – a retro phone and an ex-jewellery box. Picture: VETERAN VAMP, A THRIFTILICIOUS FASHIONISTA – FACEBOOK.

On an average day – after posting her look of the day – Michelle makes her way around op shops in Tecoma and surrounding Hills towns, where local shopkeepers often put items aside for the fashionista.

“People definitely know my taste, all the crazy stuff they’ll always put aside for me as well as the classic stuff,” she said.

And yes, she wears her outfits around town – including on her exercise walks through the Hills. With a pair of tiny heels in hand, Michelle admits she picked a pair “a bit more casual” given she planned to go on a nature walk that afternoon.

When asked about her best find in a thrift-shop, Michelle said it would have to be the genuine Versace dress she picked up for $7.

“I liked the print on this dress and it wasn’t until I was on the train going home that I noticed the label on the inside seam. I’ve since had it confirmed that it is in fact genuine,” she said.

Other bargain finds have included a pair of vintage Yves Saint Laurent sunglasses and a Gucci dress shirt.

“For someone that’s a supposed fashionista I’m not very designer savvy, I’m happy to wear anything as long as it looks good.

And that’s her whole mantra, to stay away from retail and have fun with fashion.

“You just don’t have to go retail, I mean, why would you bother? I haven’t bought anything retail for years.

“I dress up for the hell of it, no event required. Why not, people hang on to things for that special occasion but that special occasion may not ever come so why not just do it,” she said.