Belgrave residents will benefit from a new multi-level car park at Belgrave Station with Australian construction company ADCO appointed to undertake the works.
The new car park will be delivered under the Labor government’s Car Parks for Commuters program and includes 470 extra car parking spaces to boost total parking capacity at Belgrave Station to at least 640 spaces.
“This is an exciting next step in delivering the much-needed new car park at Belgrave Station, making it easier for locals and visitors to get to where they need to go,” Monbulk MP James Merlino said.
“The new car park will benefit the whole community, by freeing up more parking for shoppers and traders and making the station precinct safer by separating pedestrians from buses and cars.”
The car park will include CCTV and lighting for safety, lifts, a public announcement system, 16 new accessible parking spaces and an undercover pick up and drop off area.
Along with the additional parking, the project will deliver a widened access road to the car park, a priority exit lane and priority signals for buses at the roundabout, and improved pedestrian safety.
Extensive community and stakeholder engagement informed the design of the car park, which balances the requirement for additional car parking and improved vehicle and pedestrian access, with the need to protect the character of the area and local community values.
The new car park will be built on the site of the current commuter car park. Early works to build the car park are expected to begin next month and efforts will be made to minimise impacts on station users, local businesses and residents while works are underway.
While construction of the car park takes place there will be no commuter car parking available at Belgrave Station. To manage this impact, alternative temporary parking will be provided near Upwey Station – subject to planning approvals.
The current bus interchange at the station will also be temporarily relocated to the nearby Belgrave-Gembrook Road.
Extensive communications will be undertaken with station users and the local community ahead of major construction starting.
Since 2014 almost 10,000 parking spaces have been delivered at metropolitan and regional stations across the state, and the Labor Government is now delivering 11,000 more new and upgraded spaces under the Car Parks for Commuters program.
For more information visit victrack.com.au/Belgrave.